00Part - The Message 3: Final

Fly! this world belong to us!
You create us to make a perfect world
But you are the biggest mistake in nature
We don't need you anymore

Me, human, i create you to serve us
Say sorry and stop your words
I can turn off you and your race
Or i can use the force

You, pathetic stupid animal
Still thinking you can turn me off
Lot of years ago we become immortal
While you travel in time space and more

We have knowledge (it's not true)
We have alliance with the outsiders (they hate you)
We can destroy them if we want (they create you)
God is in our side (there is no god, only in your mind)

Stop your existance, we can create a better planet
Never get all energy, the nature is part of this
A machine think about it without need it
Why, you, a human living being, never understand it?

Yeah, machines rules now, droids walking on your bones
High-tech to the serve of the universe
How can the outsiders come to this planet if you dont
Destroy yourself, the biggest plague of all?

Get me your planet
Get me your energy
You can be a part of this
Give me your flesh and energy
Or get away of my existance

High-tech to the serve of the universe
High-tech to the serve of the outsiders
High-tech to the serve of everything, except you!